It’s a fun hypothetical that has been a parlor game (now maybe a Twitter game) for years… what would you give up, for something else? Would you give up your phone for a year for $100,000 (Vitaminwater hopes you’ll try)? In an alternative universe, would you give up sex if it meant you could eat anything you want and not gain weight?
Life Time wanted to see what people would give up for that elusive maintenance of goal weight. What are those vices that keep getting in the way of keeping the scales from tipping forward… again?

The lifestyle brand decided to ask its members — granted, this is a group that by design is inclined to make some sacrifices in the name of fitness — what they would give up forever to stay at their goal physique.
Nearly half responded that they would disdain alcohol or pizza. Women leaned towards dropping pizza and men selected alcohol as the habit they’d be willing to forego. Other responses of note included caffeine (11%), sex (1.5%) and nothing at all (19%).
As for motivations, the survey found that 44% are most concerned with their health, 30% for self image, and 11% for Instagram.

From Life Time’s announcement of the results:
Life Time conducted the survey as part of its annual promise to help American’s commit to One Positive Action through Commitment Day which launched on January 1, 2013, as a nationwide movement to inspire and encourage positive change. Since then, hundreds of thousands have participated in making a commitment to better their health, communities and selves.