College athletics is certainly at a crossroads these days, with the landscape changing daily—sometimes hourly, even. Keeping track of which leagues and schools are competing, which sports seasons are intact, which are moving and which are canceled outright, is a full-time endeavor.
But whatever the timetable for return to game action may be, keeping student-athletes fit and healthy is a priority. UCLA, looking to provide its charges with protein nutritional products, has signed on with Ready Nutrition, a growing brand in the space. Via the partnership, announced today by the school, Ready becomes the Bruins’ Official Protein, encompassing its full line, including Ready® Protein Water, Bars, Powder and Plant-Based Functional Snacks.

“UCLA Athletics has such a rich tradition and I know they want the very best for their student-athletes. We are committed to helping them continue that tradition by supplying best-in-class products to meet the department’s nutritional goals for its athletes,” said Ready® Founder and President Pat Cavanaugh, himself a former student-athlete and University of Pittsburgh basketball team captain, in a statement.

“We’re thrilled to welcome Ready® to the UCLA family,” added UCLA Director of Athletics Martin Jarmond. “We want to give our student-athletes every edge and opportunity to reach their potential and be elite. Nutrition is such an important factor in athletic performance.”
This is Ready’s second big splash in the Southern California market. Two-time pro football Defensive Player of the Year Aaron Donald signed on in 2019 as an investor and co-owner of the company. He was joined this past May by global basketball star and reigning MVP, Giannis Antetokounmpo, who also became an investor and co-owner after using Ready’s products the past two seasons.
The partnership covers UCLA’s 700 student-athletes in 25 sports, according to the joint announcement.