Mental well-being and brain health are significant components of fitness, an area we’ve covered before here. Quantifying mental fatigue is the goal of Sun Sachs and Cody Rotwein, co-founders of Rewire Cycling, billed as ” the first brain training system designed to make athletes more mentally tough and less susceptible to mental fatigue during competition.”

“We all know that mental toughness contributes to at least 50% of our athletic performance and yet how much time do we dedicate to training the mind each week?” asks Sachs. “With Rewire we’ve broken new ground and created a totally new way to train in sport.”
Rewire notes that its patent-pending tech, which is raising funds via Kickstarter, will allow athletes to combine brain training with traditional workouts with standard bike trainers using proprietary training straps to communicate with the app. Running, strength training, rowing and other sports are planned, according to Rewire Cycling.
The Rewire team has been battle testing this product with elite and professional endurance athletes and coaches for the past 8 months.

Says Ultra endurance athlete, Laura Kline, “If you’re just relying on trying to sharpen your mental game while you’re out training you might not always have the opportunity or you may wear your body down too much. With the app, it’s giving you a controlled environment and structure to add mental training to your workouts.”
Professional triathlete Rebeccah Wassner of New York says, “As a triathlete so much of our races come down to mental toughness. Your training can go perfectly, but on race day there are endless variables – weather, mechanicals, nutrition issues, etc. Using Rewire is the best way to prepare for the mental toughness it takes to get through these issues.”
We’ll have more on Rewire on launch.
Cover Image: (Wikimedia-Keanu)