Sports Medicine Doctor

A sports medicine doctor is a primary care doctor who is specially trained to diagnose and treat injuries that are sustained while playing sports and any other type of  musculoskeletal injury.

What is the difference between a Sports Medicine Doctor and an Orthopedic Surgeon?

Both are well trained in musculoskeletal medicine. Sports Medicine Doctor specialize in the non-operative treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. Orthopedic surgeons are also trained in the operative treatment of these conditions. However, approximately 90% of all sports injuries are non-surgical. The Sports Medicine Doctor can maximize non-operative treatment, guide appropriate referrals to physical and occupational therapies, and if necessary, expedite referral to an orthopedic/sports surgeon.

Sports Medicine Doctors’s Training:

  • Board Certified in Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics or Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation.
  • Has obtained one to two years of additional fellowship training in Sports Medicine.
  • Has passed a national Sports Medicine certification examination allowing them to hold a Certificate of Added Qualification in Sports Medicine.
  • Participates in continuing medical education activities and recertification via re-examination every 10 years. This rigorous process was instituted to distinguish certified Sports Medicine Physicians from other physicians without specialized training.
  • Is a leader of the Sports Medicine team, which also may include specialty physicians and surgeons, athletic trainers, physical therapists, coaches, other personnel and the athlete.
  • Sports Medicine is a recognized subspecialty by the American Board of Medical Subspecialties and by Medicare.



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